The Founder of Ablo

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1960 Working in a Film Factory

León got married at the age of 23, had two children and became a respected chemist. He started working for a local company, which produced film plates.

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León and Maria Ortega Carrillo. Madrid 15/04/1963 (©Ablo archives)

A Great Passion for the Photography Process

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León Ortega during an “International Erotic Festival”.
(USA) 08/06/1967 (©Ablo archives)

Ispiration from American Erotic magazine

As a fan of photography, particularly of artistic nudes and erotica, León drew inspiration from specialized American magazines, and started honing his skills as a photographer and a chemist at a young age, experimenting in his darkroom.

While on a business trip abroad, León was intrigued by an international erotica festival taking place nearby, and decided to visit it with some of his coworkers. There, he met several local artists, including famous model and pin-up photographer Bunny Yeager — this event will soon push him to start pursuing a new personal project.

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Henry Mills and Maria Ortega Carrillo. Toledo 25/05/1960 (©Ablo archives)

1960 Wedding Day

Henry and Maria, happily reunited, decided to marry on May 25, 1960, in the Gothic cathedral of Santa María de Toledo, with Maria’s brother — León — as best man.

Life in Toledo

Despite not speaking Spanish, Henry decided to follow his passion and opened a small optician’s in Toledo’s city center, Optica Mills, shortly after his wedding.

Optica Mills. 1961 (©Ablo Archives)